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19 Maggio 2023 Off Di apisani

Have you ever wondered why some people act in a strange way and wear strange clothes? If yes, you might have come in contact with a bohemian!

Share America, “For the Romani, survival is a matter of tradition” (Ultima visita: 19/05/2023, ore 8:45)

Oxford Dictionary defines a Bohemian as “a person, often somebody who is involved with the arts, who lives in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour”. This French term comes from the Romani, an Indo-Aryan ethnic group that French believed to have come to France from Bohemia, the current Czech Republic.

I chose this topic because I think the bohemian style is still present nowadays, but adapted to the current society. For example, people who act as a dandy are easily found in streets of many cities around the world.

Thanks to this topic, I learnt once again that the world in which we live today can’t be understood without looking at the past, as it is the outcome of the actions of our ancestors.

I think that everyone should search information about Bohemianism because, as it is a style that people may consider strange, only in this way you can understand what values are behind their behaviour and way to dress and be.

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