Category: Competenza Multilinguistica

22 Nazioni

Per il lavoro di Educazione Civica di Spagnolo ho elaborato tre infografiche sui temi delle relazioni iberoamericane. Ho realizzato un infografica riguardante la Segreteria Generale Iberoamericana, lo stato del Nicaragua, ed infine una sulle differenze linguistiche tra lo Spagnolo e il Nicaraguense.

La Segreteria Generale Iberoamericana è l’organismo internazionale che da appoggio ai 22 paesi che fanno parte della comunità Iberoamericana: 19 in America Latina e 3 in Europa. Inoltre, la Segreteria Generale Iberoamericana si occupa anche di sostenere le Cumbres Iberoamericanas de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno (le riunioni tra i 22 paesi).

In seguito, ho potuto scegliere uno dei 22 paesi per crearne un “identikit” ed esporre i suoi punti di forza e debolezza. Ho scelto di presentare il Nicaragua perché, leggendo le notizie, ho notato che il presidente Ortega stesse prendendo molti provvedimenti importanti, i quali stanno portando il paese ad una dura repressione. Per esempio, dopo i vari richiami da parte della Santa Sede – la quale esorta lo stato a rispettare i diritti e a promuovere la coesistenza pacifica – , il governo ha chiesto di interrompere le missioni diplomatiche e ha iniziato a condurre una persecuzione della Chiesa Cattolica. Recentemente, il parlamento ha sciolto la Croce Rossa poiché è stata considerata ostile verso il governo.

Attraverso questo progetto ho imparato molto di più riguardo alla situazione in Nicaragua, un paese in grave difficoltà ma di cui non si sente parlare più di tanto nei notiziari italiani.

Calligrammes: Poèmes personnels et de la musique

Après avoir étudié Apollinaire et ses calligrammes pendant le cours de français, la professeur nous a proposé d’en créer un qui nous représente.

Guillaume Apollinaire est un poète français qui a vécu au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Il a écrit le collection de Calligrammes : Poèmes de la Paix et de la Guerre, qui sont des idéogrammes traitant le thème de la guerre. À travers les Calligrammes, Apollinaire réalise la synthèse de l’art, de la peinture, de la musique et de la littérature.

Moi, j’ai décidé de représenter une guitare et de me décrire à travers ma plus grande passion : la musique.

La Casa de Pere Milà

Para estudiar el tema del modernismo y la arquitectura del siglo XIX en Barcelona, la profesora de español asignó a la clase, divididas en grupos ,una serie de artistas. Mi grupo se encargó de crear una guía turística de Barcelona a través de las obras de Gaudí.

Antoni Gaudí i Cornet fue un arquitecto catalán y uno de los mayores representantes del Modernismo. Sus obras son únicas porque fue capaz de incorporar estructuras innovadoras inspiradas en la naturaleza y un simbolismo muy profundo, a veces vinculado a la tradición de la religión católica.

En el grupo nos hemos repartido algunas de las obras más importantes para investigar un poco sobre ellas. Yo me concentré en la Casa Mià, también conocida como la Pedrera. Es la última obra civil de Antoni Gaudí, empezada en 1906 y terminada en 1912. El apodo de “La Pedrera” se debe a su exterior, en el que se utilizó mucha piedra.

Además, dada mi pasión por los gráficos digitales, creé un pequeño panfleto para representar nuestra visita.

Me ha gustado este proyecto porque me ha permitido profundizar en un tema con el que no estaba muy familiarizada como el Modernismo español y la arquitectura de Gaudí. ¡Estoy impaciente por ir a Barcelona y ver todas estas majestuosas obras en persona!

Link alla presentazione


Since I started high school in Italy, my dream has always been to travel and to get away from Turin. I have nothing against my city, on the contrary, I think it is among the most beautiful in the world. Nevertheless, I always felt the need to leave.

As soon as I had the chance to live abroad, I jumped at the opportunity and immediately initiated the paperwork in order to leave as soon as possible. I had no doubts about my destination. My parents had been to Ireland in 1989, along with my brother. Whenever the subject was brought upon, they took every opportunity to talk about it joyfully. Since I had first heard about it, I felt a connection to Ireland.

I relied on an agency that prepared my entire trip, and in August an email arrived introducing my host family. They were a young couple without children, they only had a dog and lived in Donaghmede, a neighbourhood in north Dublin. Their names were Sinead and Mark, and the thought of living with them for the next five months appealed to me.

When I arrived in the Irish city, my family welcomed me with open arms. I discovered that Sinead and Mark’s sister lived next door, with her husband, daughter and mother. In that house there was also going to be another Italian girl, Francesca. Francesca and I arrived together a week later, Laia (Spanish) arrived in my house, and Charlotte (German) in the other home.

The first week was incredible. School had not started yet, and the Irish agency that looked after us decided to organise an orientation week for all the exchange students. So I got to know many of those who would later become some of the best friends I have ever had. We spent the first few days taking tours of Dublin and playing games to learn how to navigate the city ourselves. School started in no time, after we spent a week discovering the city.

On the first day of school, I chose which subjects I intended to take during my stay. Maths and English aside, which are compulsory in Irish schools, I decided to study History, French, Biology and Art History.

In fact, Ireland made me fall in love with a subject I had undervalued all my life: History. Two factors contributed to this passion: first, Ms. O’Keeffe, the teacher whose lessons successfully conveyed her enthusiasm to me; second, the topic we covered during the year, Irish independence. Studying Irish history, from the Home Rule Act to the Anglo-Irish Treaty, made me a patriot of a nation that I wasn’t even born into, and it has also brought me much closer to the Irish culture and people.
Furthermore, I took advantage of every free day I had to explore Dublin, the surrounding towns and the country itself. I have been to Belfast, Cavan, Bray, Malahide, etc.
However, the trip I enjoyed the most was the one to Galway.

My friends and I had taken a ticket for a tourist bus, which would take us to Galway, stopping by the Cliffs of Moher. We woke up at 5 a.m. to reach the centre of Dublin and board the bus. Our long journey got us to the Cliffs at 10 a.m. Unfortunately, the Irish weather was not on our side. Despite the rain, we managed to have a quick walk on the coastline. The views were breathtaking, the wind and the nature made me feel like a Celtic princess. When it started raining heavily, we took refuge inside the cliff museum. A few hours later, we arrived in Galway. The rain, as well as the short free time given by the tour guide, had prevented us from fully enjoying the city. Despite this I fell in love instantly with the city, to this day Galway remains among my favourite ones.

What I had experienced in Ireland was one of the most important things I did in the past three years, and I will be forever grateful for it. In those few months I grew as a person, which helped me overcome difficulties at school. I also became curious and passionate about knowledge again.