Why should you read 1984 by Orwell?

Year 1984. Oceania is ruled by Big Brother and his Party. Winston Smith, a man whose job is to manipulate history for propaganda, secretly rebels against the Party and decides to keep a diary where he records the true history. Big Brother controls people’s lives using propaganda, Thought Police and keeping poverty percentage high.

With the dystopian novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, Orwell criticises the totalitarian systems which were widespread during the ‘40s and gives us a vision of a hypothetical future based on a different ending for WW2.

One of the most interesting aspects of the lifestyle in Oceania is the Newspeak, a simpler version of English (the Oldspeak) in which the lexicon is reduced and easier. Its purpose is to reduce the range of thoughts that can be expressed, limiting freedoms and better controlling people. 

You should read this book because one of the many things that this story teaches is how important is the language to express our true feelings and thoughts and how words can really make us free.

This masterpiece is a must for those who think it is important to learn from history and fight for a better future.